Wednesday, February 22, 2012

L.A. Times reporter promotes Total Consecration for Lent

Sometimes it seems that the media is dead set against the Church, and then you come across an article like this one [“Lent 2012 offers a rare way to honor Mary and Jesus at the same time”, here], written by L.A. Times staff writer Rene Lynch.
Referring to the rare circumstances which allow the preparation for the Total Consecration to begin on Ash Wednesday, concluding on the Solemnity of the Annunciation (this year, March 26th), the article states, “Christians can use this year's Lent to also follow in the footsteps of St. Louis-Marie de Montfort. He was a French priest known for his deep commitment to Mary, and came up with a series of short prayers and spiritual practices to honor her called the Total Consecration.”
Let us all offer a prayer of gratitude to the Good Lord for spreading this devotion. Also, say a prayer for Rene Lynch and for all who read her article, that the grace of Christ given through Mary will indeed make this their best Lent ever.
Join the Total Consecration page on Facebook [here].
Also, [here] is a how-to guide for making the Total Consecration this Lent, together with prayers for the first twelve days.

1 comment:

  1. wonderful of you to post about the consecration; delighted the main stream media has picked up on it; am making the consecration as part of my Lenten programme.


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