Thursday, June 30, 2016

Sunday Sermon, June 26 - The Government has no right to establish same-sex "marriage" (Father Ryan Erlenbush, Corpus Christi Parish)

Sunday Sermon, June 26.
This past week we celebrated the feasts of Sts John Fisher and Thomas Moore, as well as of St John the Baptist. These three were martyrs for marriage -- all being killed because they rejected divorce and remarriage as adultery. Sunday is also the feast of Sts John and Paul who were put to death under the Apostate Julian who used the power of law to persecute the Christian people.

Thus, as we are near the one year anniversary of the legalization of same-sex "marriage" in the USA, a sermon on why the Catholic Church teaches that marriage can only be between a man and a woman.

1) Some who promote same-sex "marriage" claim that "the government has no right to tell me whom I can love." Even if this argument were correct (and it's not) this wouldn't prove that the government should legalize same-sex "marriage", but only that the government shouldn't recognize anything as marriage.

2) But there is a reason why the government should make laws which support the fidelity and permanence of the marriage of a man and woman. Marriage laws are established for the good and protection of the vulnerable and the innocent, namely of children. Since only the union of a man and a woman can produce a child, only this union of a man and a woman can rightly be the subject of the laws of the State. And the government as a duty to promote the union of a man and a woman as faithful (i.e. no adultery) and as permanent (i.e. no divorce, except in extreme cases).

3) That being said, the Catholic and the Christian must always show love and understanding as well as kindness to those who either promote same-sex "marriage" or even who are involved in such a "marriage". There is no room for disgust - we must never be repulsed by any persons, no matter how different their lifestyle is from our own. At the same time, we cannot promote an objectively sinful lifestyle -- therefore, we cannot attend these types of weddings, nor can we every allow such a "couple" to sleep in the same room in our home.

Listen online [here]!

1 comment:

  1. Father, what are your thoughts on the controversial comments regarding what the Pope said vis a vis the Church apologizing to homosexuals? If, as the Pope states we should not discriminate against them, then what will the Church do when they want to get "married" in the Church? Too many dioceses have long capitulated to the homosexual agenda.


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