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St. John the Baptist in prison |
Gaudete Sunday, Matthew
When John the Baptist heard
in prison of the works of Christ, he sent his disciples to Jesus with this
question, “Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?”
is not at all uncommon (or surprising) to find modern(ist) biblical scholars claim
that St. John the Baptist, the precursor of the Messiah, doubted whether Jesus
is truly the Christ. Often, they will present their theory in highly
psychological terms: John, in prison, nearing his execution, wonders whether his
life has any real meaning or perhaps if he has misunderstood his vocation. In
this distressing state of existential doubt, the Baptist questions the Lord
regarding whether he truly is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the
biblical scholars present John the Baptist as a reed swaying in the wind, blown
about by the happenings of the world and the persecution he know faces. But
Jesus said, “This is the one about whom it is written: Behold, I am sending my messenger ahead of you; he will prepare your
way before you.” No, St. John was not a reed swayed by the wind, he was a
prophet and more than a prophet – and he rejoiced to see the fulfillment of the
Why did St. John send his
disciples to question Christ Jesus?
John the Baptist most certainly knew that Jesus was the Messiah, for upon him he
saw the Holy Spirit descending and remaining. St. John knew that Jesus is the
Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. He did not hesitate, but
testified openly that Jesus is the Christ. St. John was the dear friend of the
bridegroom and he rejoiced to decrease as the Lord increased – hence, the
Baptist sent his disciples (beginning with Andrew) to become followers of
the Great writes, “Did John not know him whom he had pointed out to others; or
was he uncertain whether this was he, whom by foretelling, by baptizing, and by
making known, he had proclaimed him to be he?” Jerome takes us forward, “Therefore
he does not ask as being himself ignorant. But as the Savior asks where Lazarus
is buried, in order that they who showed him the sepulcher might be so far
prepared for faith, and believe that the dead was verily raised again – so John,
about to be put to death by Herod, sends his disciples to Christ, that by this
opportunity of seeing his signs and wonders they might believe on him, and so
might learn through their master’s enquiry.” (Catena Aurea, Matthew 11: 2-6)
as John had given Christ the first disciples who were chosen to be apostles, so
too he know sends the Lord other disciples. Instructing them to question the
Lord regarding his mission, St. John the Baptist offers his followers to Christ
that they might become true disciples of the Lord.
The Lord testifies to John’s
John Chrysostom tells us, “Sufficient had been now done for John’s disciples;
they returned certified concerning Christ by the wonderful works which they had
seen. But it behooved that the multitude also should be corrected, which had
conceived many things amiss from the question of John’s disciples, not knowing
the purpose of John in sending them [here,
we recall the error of modernist scholars]. They might say, he who bare such witness to
Christ, is now of another mind, and doubts whether this be he. Doth he this because
he hath jealousy against Jesus? Has the prison taken away his courage? Or spake
he before but empty and untrue words?”
Lord knew well the heart of John, he knew that the Baptist did not doubt but
only desired to confirm his disciples in Christ’s truth. Hence, Jesus defends
St. John’s consistency in faith by comparing him to a reed swayed in the wind.
Jerome speaks in the person of Christ saying, “Was it for this ye went out into
the desert to see a man like unto a reed, and carried about by every wind, so
that in lightness of mind he doubts concerning him whom once he preached?”
Chrysostom continues, “That John is not as a waving reed, yourselves have shown
by going out unto the desert to him. Nor can any say that John was once firm,
but has since become willful and wavering; for as some are prone to anger by
natural disposition, other become so by long weakness and indulgence, so in
inconstancy, some are by nature inconstant, some become so by yielding to their
own humor and self-indulgence. But John was neither inconstant by natural
disposition; this he makes clear by saying, What
went ye out for to see, a reed shaken by the wind? Neither had he corrupted
an excellent nature by self-indulgence, for that he had not served the flesh is
shown by his raiment, his abode in the desert, his prison.”
it is clear, from the divine testimony of Christ, that the Baptist did not
doubt or slacken in his faith; for he is no reed swayed in the wind, but the
new Elijah.
Another exegetical option
should be noted that both Tertullian and Justin hold that St. John the Baptist
did doubt whether Jesus was truly the Christ. This opinion, for the reasons
given above, seems most unlikely.
St. Gregory the Great and also (perhaps) St. Jerome hold that the Baptist truly
questioned whether Christ was the one who would come. This does not imply that
John doubted whether Jesus was the Messiah, but only whether he was the one who
would come – meaning the one who would come into sheol to retrieve the souls of the just who waited in the Limbo of
the Fathers. Thus (according to this theory), as John neared his own death, he sought
consolation from Christ who would deliver all the just from the power of death.
Cornelius a’ Lapide (following the majority of the Fathers and Doctors) concludes
that this opinion is improbable. Rather, it seems that John sent his disciples
and asked Jesus whether he was the Messiah, not as doubting about our Lord, but
because, being near death, he wished his hesitating disciples to be instructed
concerning Jesus, that they might be led to accept him as the Christ. This is
the opinion of saints Hilary, Chrysostom, and Cyril (among others).
Thank you. The bishop saying Mass today said exactly what you write in paragraph 1, namely that John doubted as he was imprisoned and near his death. He said John believed that the Messiah would come with fire and brimstone! He said instead the Messiah arrived with kindness, healing etc. He seemed to imply that John was disappointed that Jesus didn't measure up to his image of the Messiah.
I can't accept that at all. John was filled with the Holy Spirit while still in the womb, he lived a life of penance and self-denial and knew who Jesus was at the Baptism in the Jordon. He knew from the Scriptures that the Son of Man would be betrayed and put to death. So, I too believe that it was for his disciples, that they might re-directed to Jesus, the awaited one, and accept Him as the Christ.
@An Irish Catholic,
One thing that I think many forget is that true doubt is a sin against faith. Are we really ready to accuse St. John the Baptist, who was filled with the Holy Spirit from before his birth, of true doubt? Now it is one thing to say that John came to a deeper understanding of who Jesus is (hopefully, this is all the bishop meant), but it is quite another to say that he failed in his prophetic vocation by proclaiming a "violent Messiah" who never came and only latter being forced to re-think his view of the Christ!
In any case, we thank God for the sound doctrine of the Church Fathers!
Happy Advent to you!
Reginaldus, your writing style is excellent and reminds me of a dear friend, with whom I spent a summer ministering to the needs of the faithful in southern Italy. I hope all is well, Pasqua`.
God bless!
Ciao Giova'! I can tell from your comment that you are "molto educato"! :-)
Blessings and a happy Advent!
I don't think the question "“Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?” is intended to express doubt, but is a way of inviting Jesus to respond, such that John's disciples can communicate his answer to others who may indeed doubt that Jesus is "the one who is to come."
When I discuss marriage & children with my class, I tell them to ask their parents if they (the children) are gifts from God.
This doesn't mean I doubt that they are, or that the kids doubt. It's a way of getting an emphatic response from the parents.
That is certainly a possibility, perhaps not even John's disciples were in doubt.
I think that they DID doubt -- remember that there was some perceived tension between John's disciples and Jesus'. Also, recall that (even after the Resurrection) there were some who remained followers of John and had to be converted to Christianity.
I don't think that John doubted at all, but it does seem to me that his disciples may have needed some additional guidance from the Lord.
Certainly, there is room for diversity on this point.
Advent blessings!
I suspect that St John the Baptist- in prison and nearing the very end of his mission- was attempting to help his disciples to alter their focus from his person to Christ.
I suspect that you are quite correct. In fact, I am morally certain that John was sending his disciples to Christ so that they would become disciples of Christ after John's martyrdom.
Could the child of the Visitation forget whom he met?
@ De Lillis, I heartily concur! Filled with the Holy Spirit, St. John surely did not sin against faith by doubting in the Messiah. Blessings to you!
It is also good to read John 1:19ff. This was the Gospel in the Ancient Rite of the Mass for this past Sunday where it is clear that John knows the deal- 'I baptize with water, but among you stands one whom YOU do not know...'
Imagine making straight the path of the Lord. Imagine seeing the Spirit descend upon Jesus. Jesus began his ministry AFTER the Baptist was arrested. Imagine knowing the Lord, but never seeing His Miracles! How sad! Perhaps the Baptist like another Saint John was going through the Dark Night in prison! Thus, he sent his disciples to see firsthand the miracles of Our Lord. I'm certain that the testimony of the Baptist's disciples made his Joy complete.
I am overjoyed to read this interpretation. This topic always concerned me. I was taught the first perspective on this topic. Thank you so very much for an enlightened point of view that has eased my mind! I am curious though: when I was Catholic I feel I was never taught how to have a real relationship with Christ and to come to repentance to become saves as it states in Acts 2:38. I don't understand why the Catholic Church seems to disregard the salvation process. Would you mind explaining the church's stance on this as I may be mistaken.
Let us remember that the Psalmist and even Christ Himself cried out in forsakenness at a moment in time. Christ was without sin so His cry: “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”) in Matthew 27:46 and elsewhere--was acceptable and not sinful. If Christ, Job, the Psalmist, and John the Baptist can express feelings of doubt or forsakenness then so too are we invited to do the same as Christians. True faith embraces moments of weakness, doubt, and humanness--that is a sign of genuine and authentic faith. Just as Christ, who is God incarnate and our Lord and Savior, was free to call out to His Father in a moment of anguish so do does God invite us to be that open before Him.
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