Friday, April 19, 2019

Palm Sunday Sermon, April 14th -- On Perfect Contrition (Father Ryan Erlenbush, Corpus Christi Parish)

The story of the conversion of the Good Thief, St Dismas, inspires us to make acts of perfect contrition.  Contrition is a sorrow for sin -- an interior pain in response to the reality of sin, and a real detestation or hatred of sin.

Contrition is not primarily the emotion of sorrow, which can even be a hindrance to true spiritual growth. Rather, true contrition is expressed in the firm resolve to never sin again, and the willingness to make any sacrifice necessary so as to avoid sin.

Imperfect contrition, which is still very good and a gift from God, is to be sorry for sins so as to avoid the loss of heaven and the pains of hell. Perfect contrition, however, will be the greatest motivator -- it is to be sorry for sin because we realize how much God loves us, and also that we truly do desire to love Him in return.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Sunday Sermon, April 7th -- The Stations of the Cross (Father Ryan Erlenbush, Corpus Christi Parish)

The history of the development of the Stations of the Cross from when Our Lady first led the Apostles through the streets of Jerusalem to our own day.

Thoughts on how to benefit from this devotion and the particular insights of St Alphonsus Liguori.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Sunday Sermon, March 31st -- The Mercy of Christ Supersedes the Justice of the Old Testament (Father Ryan Erlenbush, Corpus Christi Parish)

The traditional Old Testament reading associated with the Gospel Parable of the Prodigal Son is the story of Jacob and Esau. These are two tales of brothers, in which the younger is favored and the elder becomes angry. However, notice the difference of these two -- in the Old Testament, it Jacob who is just and Esau who sold his birth-rite; but in the New Testament, it is the prodigal son who is favored while the older brother seemed to be just.

Again, consider the traditional association of the Old Testament passage of Susanna with the Gospel story of the woman caught in adultery. Susanna was innocent and so was vindicated, but the woman of the Gospel was truly guilty and yet was spared.

The Law given through Moses indicated innocence and guilt, but the Grace and Truth which comes through the Gospel of Jesus Christ goes further yet: Jesus makes the guilty to become truly innocent.