Tradition holds that Blessed Mary alone remained steadfast
in faith, even in the midst of her grief, on the Saturday of our Savior’s rest
in the tomb. She knew, by her perfect faith, that Jesus would indeed rise from
the dead on the third day – perhaps this is why she did not go with the other
women to the tomb on Easter Sunday morning, she knew that she must not seek the
living among the dead.
How is it that Mary knew that Jesus would rise from the
dead? What event, if any, can be singled out as the moment when she first began to understand that her beloved Son
would die and rise again?
Many years earlier, when Jesus was only twelve, he began to
instruct his Mother in the paschal mystery.
[In this busy time of year, this is a re-presentation of an earlier article from 7 April 2012 ... however, it fits quite well with the Sunday Gospel]