Sunday, September 22, 2013
Away for two weeks
As I will be traveling to Rome for the next two weeks, there will be no updates to the New Theological Movement blog until sometime after October 5.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Married priests, ritual purity, and priestly celibacy
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While there is a good deal of reflection
(some good, most bad) in the secular media, as well as in Catholic media, on the
value and role of priestly celibacy in the Church, there is yet very little theological consideration of the topic.
Nearly every argument for or
against priestly celibacy is related either to practical concerns (i.e. “we
will get more priests,” or “they will not have time to care for family and
parish”) or to devotional thoughts (i.e. “marriage is given by God to all,” or “an
undivided heart”). Now, there is certainly something to be said for both
practical and devotional points, but we must first consider something of the theology behind celibacy if we are to
have any hope of discussing the topic intelligently.
Interestingly, the question of
clerical continence for married
priests and deacons may be of great aid in helping us to consider the doctrine behind the discipline of priestly celibacy.
Holy Orders,
Saturday, September 14, 2013
MYTH: A ship could be build from the "relics" of the True Cross
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What may be the largest relic of the True Cross Santo Toribio de Liébana in Spain |
14th, Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross
“There is no abbey so poor as not to have a specimen. In
some places there are large fragments, as at the Holy Chapel in Paris, at
Poitiers, and at Rome, where a good-sized crucifix is said to have been made of
it. In brief, if all the pieces that could be found were collected together,
they would make a big ship-load. Yet the Gospel testifies that a single man was
able to carry it.” John Calvin, Traité
Des Reliques
Protestants, rationalists, modernists,
and other enemies of Christ and his Church attack the veneration of the True
Cross (a practice as ancient as Christianity itself) with the mockery: “If all
the supposed splinters of the True Cross were collected, there would be enough
wood to build a boat!” Those who are not quite so pompous will add, “Or at
least three crosses.”
But is it true? Just how much
Sacred Wood is venerated in the Church of Christ?
Sacred Doctrine
Monday, September 9, 2013
In response to Father Brian Mullady - "Contraceptive intention" and NFP
Over at Human Life
International’s “Truth and Charity Forum” [here],
Father Brian Mullady O.P. has an interesting little article on “Fundamental
Differences: NFP vs. Contraception”.
While the majority of the
article is quite insightful, Fr. Mullady falls into the same error which has
plagued many scholars and lay-folk alike who enter this discussion: He fails to
realize that a sinful use of Natural Family Planning is still not “an act of
Friday, September 6, 2013
Must a man "renounce all his possessions" to be a Christian? On counsels and precepts
Sunday in Ordinary Time, Luke 14:25-33
of you who does not renounce all his possessions cannot be my disciple.
After telling the crowds that a
man must hate his father and mother, wife
and children, brothers and sisters, and even his own life, in order to be
his disciple, the good Savior then seems to enjoin radical poverty upon all Christians.
To understand properly this
passage, which is closely related to the tenth chapter of the Gospel according
to St. Matthew, we must keep in mind the difference between a counsel and a
precept. Likewise, it will be well to consider certain styles of Hebrew speech
which are not easily translated into modern western languages.
Only in this way will we
succeed in giving the proper interpretation of our Lord’s words.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Pope St. Gregory the Great on the human knowledge of Jesus Chrsit
3rd, Feast of Pope St. Gregory the Great
of that day or hour no man knoweth, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son,
but the Father. (Mark 13:32)
Many will be shocked to
discover that Pope St. Gregory the Great, together with all the doctors of the
Church after him, expressly condemns the opinion that Our Savior, in his
humanity, did not know all created truths including the day and the hour of the
final judgment.
This opinion, considered a
heresy by the holy Pontiff (and by all the great theologians since him), is
called Agnoeticism, meaning “not
knowing”. Fr. Hardon summarizes the Agnoetes
as follows, “A sect of Monophysites who held that Christ was subject to
positive ignorance. The leading exponent of its error was Deacon Themistios of
Alexandria. He was condemned by the Church, which declared that Christ’s
humanity cannot be ignorant of anything of the past or of the future. To
attribute ignorance to Christ’s human nature is to profess Nestorianism
(Denzinger 474-76).” (Modern Catholic Dictionary, “Agnoetes”)
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