August 29: The defense of Marriage, the Passion of St. John the Baptist
Listen online [here]!
August 30: On Penance and Mortification, St Rose of Lima
Listen online [here]!
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Why a Catholic should not attend an invalid wedding ceremony
“Father, my sister is getting married by a protestant minister in a
beautiful outdoor service on the top of a mountain! Can I attend the wedding?”
If your sister was baptized Catholic or has been received into the Church, and she didn’t get
permission from the bishop, then I say, “No, you most certainly must not
Although Canon Law makes no stipulation regarding whether a
Catholic may attend an invalid wedding ceremony, moral law most certainly prohibits
Catholics (and, sometimes, also non-Catholics) from attending.
In this article, we hope to shed some light on what can be a
rather difficult question. Difficult not only because of personal ties to those
involved in the wedding service, but also because many priests spew forth variant
opinions which (howsoever subtle and delicate they appear) lack any substantial
foundation in moral law or the Catholic tradition.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
We need the Pope to know how to suffer, A reflection on the Sunday Gospel
22nd Sunday in Ordinary
August 31, 2014
Matthew 16:21-27
Jesus began to show his disciples
that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer greatly from the elders, the chief
priests, and the scribes, and be killed and on the third day be raised.
It was not by coincidence, but rather according to the divine will that our Savior gave his apostles the first prediction of his passion only after he had indicated the establishment of Peter as prince and supreme Shepherd of the Church on earth.
Christ knew that the faithful would be unable to bear his bitter passion without the visible sign of unity and peace given us in the Pope. And, if the passion of Christ is too great to bear without the Papacy, it follows necessarily that none can embrace the spiritual meaning of suffering without the guidance, support, and protection of the Holy Father in Rome.
Thomistic Scriptural Commentary
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
2 Sermons: What is transverberation?, and The Power of Prayer
Tuesday, August 26 - The Transverberation of St. Teresa of Avila
"Transverberation" - The act of being pierced through
Listen online [here]!
Wednesday, August 27 - St. Monica's prayers
Listen online [here]!
"Transverberation" - The act of being pierced through
Listen online [here]!
Wednesday, August 27 - St. Monica's prayers
Listen online [here]!
Monday, August 25, 2014
Can I get married after having a vasectomy? (The vasectomy question, Part II)
vasectomy and impotence
We continue our discussion of various issues related to
repentance after the commission of a vasectomy. In
our earlier article [here], we discussed why a reversal would sometimes
(even oftentimes) be required in order to receive sacrament absolution after a
vasectomy – though it is not mandated as relating to the amendment of life, but
seems to be closely linked to true contrition and repentance when the reversal procedure
can be obtained without excessive cost, pain, or danger and when the couple is
of child-bearing age.
To our earlier question, we may add another: Can a man who
has had a vasectomy validly contract marriage without getting the vasectomy
simple answer to this question – “Is a reversal required for marriage?” – is,
“No, a reversal is not required.” However, again, there is much to consider;
and, in some cases, a reversal would seem to be required by the conscience of
the individual (even if not by the law of the Church).
The whole question will hang on the following point: Is a
vasectomy only “sterilization” (as it is commonly assumed to be), or does it
cause impotence? While it would seem a silly question, we will see that
impotence is defined in a broader way than many assume.
The Family
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Sermons: Pius X, Queenship of Mary, Philip Benizi
August 21st - Pope St Pius X - There is no pre- or post- Vatican II
August 22nd - Queenship of Mary - In Crowning our Lady, God crowns his own gifts
August 23rd - St Philip Benizi - The slave of Mary will not perish
Friday, August 22, 2014
Can we pray for aborted babies? Did Pope Francis?
Francis prays at Korean cemetery for aborted babies”
So runs the headline at the
Catholic News Agency website [here]. But the article fails to support the headline.
Indeed, while it is clear that Pope Francis prayed at a monument for aborted
babies, the text of the prayer is not given – it seems that the prayer was
offered in silence, and perhaps we won’t ever hear exactly what our Holy Father
There is a theological problem when we it comes to praying “for”
aborted babies – Are we to suppose that they are in purgatory? If so, What sin did
they commit for which they must suffer purification? If not, Why would they need our
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Why the Pope must be infallible, even if he's not impeccable
21st Sunday in Ordinary
Matthew 16:13-20
And I say to you, you are Peter, and
upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall
not prevail against it.
We do not
hesitate to assert the Christ Jesus is the true rock upon which the Catholic
Church is built – how could there be any other? And yet, we likewise affirm
that Peter is the rock upon which Christ has built his Church; for the Greek is
clear: “Peter” is petros while “rock”
is petra, and the Aramaic would be
clearer yet as the one word used for both was cepha.
It is as
though Jesus said, “You are Rock (Petros/Cepha) and upon this rock (petra/cepha) [which is you], I will build my Church.” Christ is the rock
and Peter is the rock, Christ is the foundation and Peter is the foundation. A
man’s faith is founded upon Christ, only if it is founded upon Peter’s
confession. Christ is the rock of the Church, only if the Church is set upon
the rock of Peter’s profession of faith.
Let us
consider why it is enough for the Pope to be infallible (i.e. unable to err in
teaching), even if he is not impeccable (i.e. unable to sin).
Monday, August 18, 2014
Sunday Sermon, August 17: When adult children leave the Church
On praying for our children.
Why a Catholic parent must not attend the invalid marriage of a child outside the Church.
Why a parent must not force a Catholic marriage on his children.
Why a Catholic grandparent should not force a catholic baptism on his grandchildren.
Listen online [here]!
Why a Catholic parent must not attend the invalid marriage of a child outside the Church.
Why a parent must not force a Catholic marriage on his children.
Why a Catholic grandparent should not force a catholic baptism on his grandchildren.
Listen online [here]!
Sermon: Why we believe in the Assumption
The essence of the dogma.
The Biblical proof.
The logical argument.
The proof from the Tradition.
What the Assumption looked like: Mary lived 15 years after Jesus' Ascension, was dead for 15 days, and then was Assumed to the wonder of angels and men alike.
Listen online [here]!
The Biblical proof.
The logical argument.
The proof from the Tradition.
What the Assumption looked like: Mary lived 15 years after Jesus' Ascension, was dead for 15 days, and then was Assumed to the wonder of angels and men alike.
Listen online [here]!
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Can I be forgiven after having a vasectomy? (The vasectomy question, Part I)
contraception, and confession
The following question was sent to me by a priest who reads
this blog:
Recently, I had a
discussion about proper administration of the sacrament of Penance regarding a
man who confesses having had a vasectomy. This is the question: must the
man who receives a vasectomy, in order to receive absolution validly, seek a reversal
of the vasectomy?
simple answer – “Is a reversal required for absolution?” – “No, a reversal is
not always required, but YES it is often required as following from true sorrow
for the sin.” However, there is much to consider.
answering this question, we will also answer the related question: Can I be
forgiven for having a tubal ligation?
Thursday, August 14, 2014
When did Mary die? and For how long was she dead?
Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary into Heaven
August 15th
When Pope Pius XII
solemnly defined as a dogma of the faith the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
Mary, body and soul, into the glories of heaven, he also taught as belonging to
the ordinary and universal magisterium that Mary did die before her body was
raised and glorified.
And so, we may
wonder, When did Mary die? For how long did her holy body lie in the tomb? And,
What was the Assumption like?
In this matter, the
private revelations given to St. Bridget of Sweden help to fill out the common
teaching of the saints and theologians.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Weekday Homilies -- August 11, 12, 13
St. Clare and the Eucharist
This homily as given to a family with whom I had traveled to Italy and had visited the holy sites of Assisi.
Listen online [here]!
On making a vow of widowhood
The example of St. Jane Frances de Chantal.
Listen online [here]!
On reconciling after heresy
Feast of St. Hippolytus.
Listen online [here]!
This homily as given to a family with whom I had traveled to Italy and had visited the holy sites of Assisi.
Listen online [here]!
On making a vow of widowhood
The example of St. Jane Frances de Chantal.
Listen online [here]!
On reconciling after heresy
Feast of St. Hippolytus.
Listen online [here]!
Monday, August 11, 2014
On Praying for our Children - Reflection for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 17, 2014
Matthew 15:21-28
Have pity on me, Lord, Son of David! My daughter is
tormented by a demon.
Our Savior, willing
to be conquered by the prayers of the Canaanite woman, did not disdain to free
her daughter from demonic oppression. This mother's prayers won the mercy of
Jesus and inspire all parents as they entreat our Lord for every good thing for
their children.
How is it that our
prayers for others can be of value? What can a parent do to pray more
effectively for his children? Why does God seem at times to ignore our
petitions for the conversion of children, relatives, and friends?
The example of this
woman will profit is greatly as we answer these questions.
Can I merit salvation for another?
(Summa Theologica I-II, q.114, a.6)
The Baltimore
Catechism offers a simple definition: "Merit means the quality of
deserving well or ill for our actions." Merit can be understood in two
respects: condign merit and congruous merit.
Condign merit (de
condigno) refers to an action which of itself has a value so as to require as a
matter of strict justice some response on the part of another. While congruous
merit (de congruo) intends those acts which do not strictly demand a particular
response by their own interior value, but may gain such response on account of
the bonds of friendship with the other.
Thus, we state that
Christ alone can claim to have merited condignly the salvation of others. He
alone offered that which is of infinite value so as to make perfect
satisfaction for every sin.
On the other hand,
a man may merit his own salvation in one respect de condigno and in another de
congruo. For, if a meritorious act (that is, a good work accomplished by grace
in the state of grace) is considered as a work of that man, it is meritorious
de congruo, since his act can in no way be considered equal to the gift of
salvation but can claim a certain right to it on account of the friendship his
soul enjoys with God. Yet, if the work be considered on the be considered on
the part of the Holy Spirit who inspires the good action, it is clearly said to
merit eternal life de condigno since the action of God is of infinite value.
The Angelic Thomas
speaks well when he states that Christ alone can merit salvation for others in
terms of strict, condign merit. However, although a man may (in one respect)
merit salvation for himself in a condign manner (the work being considered as
proceeding from the Holy Spirit), yet he can in no way merit condignly for
another since the grace of God is given each one for his own salvation and the
grace of one is not sufficient unto the salvation of another.
Still, on account
of the great friendship which a soul enjoys with the Good God by the union of
charity and the gift of grace, a man may well expect to merit congruously both
the conversion and the salvation of others. Indeed, if we who are wicked do not
fail to love those whom our friends love, how much more will our Father give
many graces to those whom we love when we invoke the Lord who has made himself
our dearest Friend?
Thus, for one in
the state of grace and a friend of God, it is entirely possible to merit the
salvation of others by congruous merit. We do this especially through prayer
and sacrifice offered for the conversion of sinners, the perseverance of the
just, and the salvation of all.
How can I offer better and more effective prayer for my
The woman of Canaan
is presented as a model of prayer. In particular, we see in her an example for
parents who pray for their children. We turn to the great scholar, Fr.
Cornelius a Lapide.
the ideal of perfect prayer, and imitate it. This woman of Canaan teaches us to
"1. With great
humility, in that she acknowledges herself to be a dog.
2. With faith,
because she calls Christ the son of David, i.e., the Messiah, the God and
Saviour promised to the Jews.
3. With modesty
because she sets before Christ the right of dogs and her own misery; yet does
she not draw from thence the conclusion that Christ should heal her daughter,
but leaves that to Him.
4. With prudence,
in that she takes hold of Christ by His own words, and gently turns His
reasoning against Himself, into an argument for obtaining her desire.
5. With reverence,
with religion and devotion, because she made her supplication on her
6. With resignation
in that she did not say, “Heal my daughter,” but “help me,” in the manner which
shall seem to Thee best.
7. With confidence,
because although a Gentile, she had a firm hope that she would be heard by
8. With
9. With charity, in
that she made intercession for her daughter, as if she were anxious for
herself, saying, help me.
10. With constance
and perseverance, in that she persisted when she was twice repulsed and became
yet more earnest in prayer."
We add that a
parent has all the more reason to expect that his prayers for his children will
be answered, for it was to him that God entrusted the children not only for
their natural life but also for the right beginnings of their formation in the
spiritual life. Since Jesus gave the parent his children, the parent's prayers
have all the more power over the Sacred Heart of our Savior.
Indeed, whosoever
is entrusted by God with the care of souls -- and here we think especially of
priests in pastoral assignments, truly called "father" by those under
his care -- must have a particular claim to gaining grace for his children by
congruous merit.
Parents may pray
like this: "Lord, you gave me these children and put them under my care. I
have, for my part, given them back to you through the waters of baptism and the
practice of the faith. Receive my children again this day, oh Lord, as I beg
you, have mercy! You know what my children need far better than I, in my great
blindness, can hope to know. You love them with a love infinitely great than
the love of which my poor and too cold heart is capable. And, what gives me the
greatest hope, you are far more powerful than I. Receive them, Good Jesus, and
in your mercy give them, together with every good thing, continual conversion
of heart, perseverance in grace, and eternal life."
Three final points
If we see that a
parent can gain conversion and perseverance for his children by congruous merit
especially through prayer, there are three points to be observed.
First, the parent’s
works and prayers are meritorious for his children only insofar as he is a
friend of God. As this friendship is wounded by venial sin and destroyed by
mortal sin, it is clear that a parent's prayers will be meritorious only if he
be in the state of grace. Thus, sin must be avoided.
Again, as
attachment to sin wounds and impedes divine friendship, a parent's prayers and
works will be more meritorious as he is less attached to sin. While it is true
that we cannot in this life be entirely free of venial sins, we may at least be
free of attachment to all sins.
Finally, the parent
will gain the victory if he persevere in his prayer. In this respect, we warn
against the passion of sorrow which can quickly lead to discouragement and
spiritual sloth, eventually making the parent to give up on prayer. But, if we
persevere in prayer and are free from sin and attachment to sin, we can be sure
that God will not only give us the grace to be resigned to his will, but will
also either fulfill our desire or give something even greater.
The Family,
Thomistic Scriptural Commentary
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Weekday Sermons, August 4 through 8
Please note -- These Masses were all in the Extraordinary Form, following the more ancient calendar.
Tuesday, August 5 -- Our Lady of the Snows
Listen online [here]!
Thursday, August 7 -- St Cajetan and the 40 Hours Eucharistic Devotion
Listen online [here]!
Friday, August 8 -- St. John Vianney, Who is the priest?
Listen online [here]!
Saturday, August 9 -- Edith Stein, St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
Listen online [here]!
Tuesday, August 5 -- Our Lady of the Snows
Listen online [here]!
Thursday, August 7 -- St Cajetan and the 40 Hours Eucharistic Devotion
Listen online [here]!
Friday, August 8 -- St. John Vianney, Who is the priest?
Listen online [here]!
Saturday, August 9 -- Edith Stein, St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
Listen online [here]!
Sunday Sermon: Dealing with distractions in prayer
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 10, 2014
Matthew 14:22-23
Prayer is necessary for salvation, but how do I learn to pray better?
There are three primary obstacles to growing in the life of prayer: Sin, Attachment, Distractions.
This homily discusses how to persevere in the midst of distractions at prayer, following St. Teresa of Avila.
Listen online [here]!
August 10, 2014
Matthew 14:22-23
Prayer is necessary for salvation, but how do I learn to pray better?
There are three primary obstacles to growing in the life of prayer: Sin, Attachment, Distractions.
This homily discusses how to persevere in the midst of distractions at prayer, following St. Teresa of Avila.
Listen online [here]!
Thursday, August 7, 2014
How walking on water prefigured the Resurrection
August 10, 2014
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Matthew 14:22-33
During the fourth watch of the night, he came toward them walking on the sea.
The four properties of the risen and glorified body -- namely, clarity, subtlety, agility, and impassibility -- where at various times in the life of our Savior revealed after the mode of a foretaste of things to come. Last Wednesday's feast of the Transfiguration most clearly points toward the resurrection and glorification of our Lord's sacred Flesh. On mount Tabor, the clarity which is a proper quality of the risen body was present in Christ after the mode of a transient passion.
When our Lord walked on the water to visit his apostles tossed about by the waves, he prefigured the quality of agility.
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Matthew 14:22-33
During the fourth watch of the night, he came toward them walking on the sea.
The four properties of the risen and glorified body -- namely, clarity, subtlety, agility, and impassibility -- where at various times in the life of our Savior revealed after the mode of a foretaste of things to come. Last Wednesday's feast of the Transfiguration most clearly points toward the resurrection and glorification of our Lord's sacred Flesh. On mount Tabor, the clarity which is a proper quality of the risen body was present in Christ after the mode of a transient passion.
When our Lord walked on the water to visit his apostles tossed about by the waves, he prefigured the quality of agility.
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Back to blogging!

After a two year hiatus, we have determined it is well past time to return to blogging. Though it is true that the life of a parish priest is quite busy, yet the greatest priest-saints, who were far busier than we, never failed to dedicate much time to catechetical instruction and popular writing.
Indeed, the Angelic Doctor also, in his final assignment wherein he was entrusted with the pastoral care of souls, did not disdain to give popular conferences not in Latin but in the Neapolitan dialect of the people.
Therefore, we too intend to dedicate our time and energy in this blog not only to popular catechesis for the edification of the faithful, but also to pastoral reflection for the benefit of our brother priests who labor tirelessly for the salvation of souls in their ministry.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Sunday Sermon, August 3 -- Jesus gave us the Eucharist as consolation in our misery
"Some people, even priest, will say that the real miracle wasn't that Jesus multiplied the loaves to feed thousands, but that Jesus got everyone to share. We should respond that the real miracle is that anyone could be so foolish as to think we would believe something as absurd as that! Of course, Jesus multiplied the loaves!"
Listen online [here]!
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